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Doasa .; Doasa is an implementation of the stochastic dual dynamic programming technique applied to the solution of hydro-thermal scheduling problems.The Doasa model can be used to formulate a policy of releasing water from reservoirs for electricity generation while satisfying demand over a fixed time horizon and minimizing the expected fuel cost of thermal generation.Given an appropriate penalty cost, some load may need to be shed.; A version of the the Doasa model has been developed for the Authority by Stochastic Optimization Limited (SOL) and is described in the Doasa documentation.; The Authority version of Doasa is restricted to the New Zealand electricity system.However, a technique known as Dependent Inflow Adjustment (DIA) may be applied to the empirical inflow distribution to make it share some properties believed to be present in the true inflow distribution.; The Authority's version of Doasa is configured to use a commercial solver.Please email us at to discuss options for getting started with Doasa.; Download the Doasa documentation to learn more about the workings of the Doasa model and the input data it requires.; Doasa paper by SOL.pdf (PDF, 404 KB); Last updated: 10th April 2017; Tags: EMI Electricity market information data statistics insights analytics Last edited: 21 Jul 2024
Aggregate demand in demand.csv file in DOASA Hi, I am conducting a research project for the Master of Energy at the University of Auckland using the DOASA model and I was wondering if there is a document or can someone please explain to me how the demand was aggregated in 3 nodes (SI, HAY and NI) in the input file called "demand.csv". Tags: DOASA, Demand, EMI Electricity market information data statistics insights analytics Last edited: 05 Jul 2017
EMI dataset updated – Interim update of the hydrological modelling dataset (data to 31 Dec 2016) The information may be used as inputs into studies employing tools such as DOASA, a hydro-thermal scheduling model which seeks to optimally dispatch hydro resources. 2. Tags: Hydrology, HMD, EMI news, EMI Electricity market information data statistics insights analytics Last edited: 22 Jul 2021
EMI dataset updated – Full update of the hydrological modelling dataset (data to 31 Dec 2017) The information may be used as inputs into studies employing tools such as DOASA, a hydro-thermal scheduling model, which seeks to optimally dispatch hydro resources. 2. Tags: Hydrology, HMD, EMI news, EMI Electricity market information data statistics insights analytics Last edited: 26 Feb 2019