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  1. Retail category / Dashboards
  2. Tag: Distributed generation

Retail dashboards

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Created: 02 Sep 2015
8 reports

Trends in number and capacity of various distributed generation technologies (including solar generation) installed within local networks. Users can change the regions and market segments on this dashboard to filter views.

Trending retail reports
Business demand trends

Category  - Retail 4.3k this week

Market share trends

Category  - Retail 3.2k this week

Installed distributed generation trends

Category  - Retail 2.4k this week

Switching summary

Category  - Retail 1.7k this week

Market share snapshot

Category  - Retail 1.7k this week

Trending retail reports
Business demand trends

Category  - Retail 4.3k this week

Market share trends

Category  - Retail 3.2k this week

Installed distributed generation trends

Category  - Retail 2.4k this week

Switching summary

Category  - Retail 1.7k this week

Market share snapshot

Category  - Retail 1.7k this week

Latest retail discussions
Latest retail discussions