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Tagged with: Consumer choice

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Created: 13 May 2014
6.6k over 3 months
47 adds 47 dashboard adds

This report shows the market share of connections (ICPs) by retail entities in various regions at a point in time. Brand information is only available on 31 December each year from 2011.

Created: 03 Jul 2015
1.2k over 3 months
39 adds 39 dashboard adds

This report shows the growth in retailers by connections they serve. Retail brand information is available for calendar years only.

Created: 06 May 2022
441 over 3 months
16 adds 16 dashboard adds

This report shows the entry and exit of retail entities through time. Monitoring market entry and exit, or assessing barriers to entry and exit, is an important measure of competitive markets. Information is presented for retail parent companies, retail brands, and traders responsible for ICPs. The report may be extended to include other participants in the future.

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