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Tagged with: Market structure

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Created: 13 May 2014
7.6k over 3 months
111 adds 111 dashboard adds

This report shows the market share of connections (ICPs) by retail entities in various regions and how this has changed through time.

Created: 13 May 2014
6.6k over 3 months
47 adds 47 dashboard adds

This report shows the market share of connections (ICPs) by retail entities in various regions at a point in time. Brand information is only available on 31 December each year from 2011.

Created: 22 Oct 2014
3.3k over 3 months
73 adds 73 dashboard adds

This report shows metering types and categories broken down by retail entities or metering equipment providers (MEPs). For example, it can show the number of smart meters installed by each retailer.

Created: 07 May 2015
2.7k over 3 months
20 adds 20 dashboard adds

This report shows retail market share by connections (ICPs) broken down by retail entity and region at a point in time and changes through time.

Created: 03 Jul 2015
1.2k over 3 months
11 adds 11 dashboard adds

This report shows a snapshot of the number (or proportion) of electricity connections at a point in time in different regions. Users are able to investigate further by selecting different regional breakdowns and market segments.

Created: 03 Jul 2015
1.2k over 3 months
39 adds 39 dashboard adds

This report shows the growth in retailers by connections they serve. Retail brand information is available for calendar years only.

Created: 27 Sep 2022
1.1k over 3 months
24 adds 24 dashboard adds

This report shows trends in the proportion of a company's generation or demand that is exposed to the physical wholesale market. The report ignores any derivative or hedge positions held by the parent companies. A measure above zero represents a long position on physical generation while a measure below zero represents a short position on physical generation.

Created: 13 May 2014
891 over 3 months
28 adds 28 dashboard adds

This report shows the market share of connections (ICPs) by retail entities in various regions and how this has changed through time relative to the selected start date.

Created: 03 Jul 2015
878 over 3 months
15 adds 15 dashboard adds

This report shows the regional growth of electricity connections or market size over time. Users can investigate the growth in connections that has occurred in various regions and market segments.

Created: 29 Jun 2022
658 over 3 months
3 adds 3 dashboard adds

A simple measure of vertical integration within firms operating in the wholesale electricity market has been constructed using reconciled sales and purchases and can be tracked through time.

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