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Retail reports

Tagged with: Consumption

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Created: 23 Sep 2022
2.3k over 3 months
35 adds 35 dashboard adds

This report shows the national or regional trends in residential electricity consumption for a set of statistical distribution summary measures including the average and total. Annual, monthly or seasonal trends are available by adjusting the timescale parameter.

Created: 26 May 2022
1.7k over 3 months
35 adds 35 dashboard adds

This report provides insights into consumer agent requests for consumption data from retailers on behalf of consumers. Users can view a range of measures including requests made from agents, responses from retailers, the average time for responses, or responses that take longer than 5 business days to action.

Created: 03 May 2023
1.1k over 3 months
7 adds 7 dashboard adds

This report shows the average and total residential electricity consumption by region and year. The report ranks regions and highlights changes in annual measures.

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Date selection issue in Market Share trends data

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ICP API Offline (503)

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