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Wholesale datasets


Name Date modified File size
ARA.DAT 15 Oct 2018 69 KB
ARI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 64 KB
ATI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 65 KB
AVI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 80 KB
BEN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 87 KB
COB.DAT 15 Oct 2018 67 KB
COL.DAT 15 Oct 2018 68 KB
HBK.DAT 15 Oct 2018 54 KB
HLY.DAT 15 Oct 2018 91 KB
KPO.DAT 15 Oct 2018 73 KB
MAN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 90 KB
MANGAHAO.DAT 15 Oct 2018 57 KB
MAT.DAT 15 Oct 2018 73 KB
MDN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 57 KB
MER.DAT 15 Oct 2018 47 KB
MTI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 82 KB
NGEN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 106 KB
NIAUX.DAT 15 Oct 2018 55 KB
NIDCN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 82 KB
NIDCS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 40 KB
NINIPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 107 KB
NINZPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 107 KB
NISIPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 104 KB
NPL.DAT 15 Oct 2018 59 KB
OHA.DAT 15 Oct 2018 86 KB
OHB.DAT 15 Oct 2018 83 KB
OHC.DAT 15 Oct 2018 83 KB
OHK.DAT 15 Oct 2018 65 KB
OKI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 76 KB
OTA.DAT 15 Oct 2018 69 KB
ROX.DAT 15 Oct 2018 88 KB
RPO.DAT 15 Oct 2018 72 KB
SGEN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 106 KB
SIAUX.DAT 15 Oct 2018 63 KB
SIDCN.DAT 15 Oct 2018 82 KB
SIDCS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 40 KB
SINIPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 107 KB
SINZPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 107 KB
SISIPS.DAT 15 Oct 2018 104 KB
STRATFRD.DAT 15 Oct 2018 41 KB
TKA.DAT 15 Oct 2018 67 KB
TKB.DAT 15 Oct 2018 81 KB
TKU.DAT 15 Oct 2018 70 KB
TUI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 73 KB
WHI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 38 KB
WKM.DAT 15 Oct 2018 73 KB
WPA.DAT 15 Oct 2018 72 KB
WPI.DAT 15 Oct 2018 49 KB
WRK.DAT 15 Oct 2018 89 KB
WTK.DAT 15 Oct 2018 73 KB
What are datasets?

Datasets are collections of files that often contain large volumes of data and are available for immediate download. Dataset users are typically analysts familiar with the electricity industry and have a need to obtain a large set of data or specific data on a regular basis.

Trending wholesale datasets
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Alternative access to datasets

Alternative methods are supported to connect to EMI datasets. These methods better facilitate downloading many files or automating regular downloads. See here for more information.