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Tagged with: Consumer switching

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Created: 17 Jul 2014
3.8k over 3 months
66 adds 66 dashboard adds

This report shows a summary of electricity connection (ICPs) switching electricity suppliers across time including wins and losses or the net result of switching activity. A monthly series is available in the data report.

Created: 03 Jun 2015
1.8k over 3 months
21 adds 21 dashboard adds

This report shows the number of connections (ICPs) switching of electricity suppliers (wins and losses) broken down by retail entity and regions across time.

Created: 13 May 2014
1.3k over 3 months
33 adds 33 dashboard adds

This report shows the number and rate that electricity connections (ICPs) have changed electricity suppliers through time and compares this regionally.

Created: 23 Jun 2022
573 over 3 months
29 adds 29 dashboard adds

This trend report provides a simple indicator of potential saves and win-back activity. Retailers are banned for 180 days from contacting customers who have decided to switch to a new retailer to entice them back or to stay. Results can highlight traders or parent companies that stand out from their peers and require further investigation to understand the underlying reasons.

Created: 19 Dec 2017
508 over 3 months
12 adds 12 dashboard adds

This report shows switching and distinct switching for periods of one to five years by region, market segment, and switch type. The report ranks regions and highlights changes in annual measures.

Created: 23 Jun 2022
460 over 3 months
22 adds 22 dashboard adds

This summary report provides a simple indicator of potential saves and win-back activity. Retailers are banned for 180 days from contacting customers who have decided to switch to a new retailer to entice them back or to stay. Results can highlight traders or parent companies that stand out from their peers and may require further investigation to understand the underlying reasons.

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